Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Om"brella "Hand"le

When Doug and I went to the Natural History Museum of Utah a few weeks ago I also made it a point to stop by the campus surplus store. When I lived in the dorms at the U, I found the most amazing store you could ever imagine. It sells whatever is left over on campus that people don't want anymore. They have tons of computer stuff, furniture, and even stuff from the hospital. It's the thrift store of the U. And it's amazing. I could have spent hours looking at stuff. Unfortunately our parking meter was only free for 20 minutes. But during those 20 minutes I found the coolest umbrella I've ever seen. Feast your eyes on this.
om umbrella
om umbrella
om umbrella
Yes that is a hand as the "hand"le. My family thought it was creepy. I can't find anything else like it anywhere online. I would love to know who made it and its story. As fa as I can tell it's either the "om" hand position or the "okay" sign used in diving.

What do you think? Any ideas on how to figure out where it came from?

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