Saturday, July 21, 2012

One, Two, then Three!

My in-laws have a beautiful deck where we get to enjoy many summer dinners. Lately, we've had to be a little more careful while dining and playing outside. A mother robin decided that the flower box was the perfect place to build her nest.
Her nest among the flowers
We fist spotted one egg
Then two eggs
And by the time we left she had 3 eggs
Doug's sister Mary informed me that the mother bird ended up with four beautiful blue eggs in that tiny nest.
Diligently sitting on her nest in the morning July heat
Snuggled in to keep those eggs warm
I found out that all four eggs recently hatched into little naked baby robins. What a crowded nest!


  1. For us bird lovers, this blog was as refreshing as a summer shower. Thanks, Em!

    1. Next time we visit I'll try to get pictures of the hatch-lings. I don't know how soon that will be though.


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